Mintaka Information Channel

Every morning, I write to Source/my team and wait for them to respond. I don’t ask for anything in particular, I just channel what comes through into my journal. Today it was about Mintaka and Mintakans (Mintaka is my origin planet). I am Q (question), they are A (answer). Here’s what was said:

Q: Good morning! Anyone wish to come through?

A: Aloha, Siren of the Sea; may the waves of wisdom and abundance wash over you.

Q: Was I ever a mermaid?

A: No, you are not a hybrid, but you lived alongside them and swam just as well as them.

Q: What was Mintaka like?

A: Perfect. Truly perfection. There was no one of the fallen there. Such an ego did not appeal to the Mintakan people. Your waters were pristine, and life was idyllic. But you left to expand this Love and Light beyond your planet. You felt it should be shared with more than just Mintaka. So you went out and began lives on other worlds.

The sensitivity you feel to wrongdoing is tied to the traumatic shock of what was experienced outside of Mintaka. And you never tried to return to Mintaka, knowing the importance of your work and healing, but you received psychic transmissions of its destruction by steel-beings.

This is because beneath Mintaka waters, you had crystals which held the God-energy (Love) – the strongest and most potent power and energy Source. Mintakans never misused it because they had no ego or greed. Instead, by burying it, the ripples of energy emanating from these Source crystals nourished your perfect turquoise planet and all its inhabitants. But these beings wanted to access it for power and control.

They never came and asked nicely or your people would have shared! They just destroyed. This is why Mintakans have such difficulty trusting, relating to, or finding similarities with other Starseeds. Intention is transparent to them, and they are still too trusting. So Mintakans face being taken advantage of, and it’s often from other Starseeds.

Q: Can you tell me more?

A: The purpose of most Starseed missions is to collect knowledge and spread Ascended wisdom. Learning is the goal. The purpose of Mintakans is rooted solely in LOVE. Their mission was to heal and share the God-Source energy of Love. No data collection, no growth of the soul-mind. They were perfected in their peace, and they wanted others to also feel this abundant joy of Love. Mintakan life was an Eden – they wanted the world to share in their Eden.

The missions were not the same. That’s why Alignment and understanding of Starseed concepts are so difficult. And while Starseeds see home in the stars, Mintakan Starseeds see fractures of their home in so much, anywhere and everywhere, knowing only fractures of their planet still exist, and they can never truly go home. They sometimes find home in people as well.

The Celestial Genocide of the Mintaka planet and people is a trauma that still resonates in the DNA, and other Starseeds “cannot understand them,” on this level. It is also why they are susceptible to hyper-sensitivity with regard to other living things that also express no fear – only love – and also face persecution. This includes animals, children, groups of humans who have also faced genocide, and so on and so forth.

They are often vegetarians or vegans. Many – but not all – Mintakans have eyes that look similar to the colour of their planet (like you) – it is like a beacon or reminder when they find other soul family members.

It’s time to serve; I will tell you more later.

(I was pulled to do my spiritual work at this point and the transmission ended.)

Published by Claudia of Awakened Little Souls & Seeking Celestial Grace

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