Books by Claudia of Seeking Celestial Grace

The Transformational Path

How Healing, Unlearning, and Tuning into Source Helped Me Manifest My Most Abundant Life
Published by The Good House Intl.

Claudia is living a true fairy tale life in the French Alps, but that wasn’t always the case.

Determined to unravel the truth behind the power of manifestation, she healed trauma, cut abusive relationships, unlearned negative patterns, faced her sexual assailant in court, quit a secure career in Canada, and sold her home and belongings to follow a dream to Paris, France. There, she met her soulmate by absolute chance, and developed some pretty phenomenal clairaudient mediumship gifts along the way.

Part memoir, part spiritual handbook, follow along with her journey and learn the lessons needed that will help you manifest the abundant life that you deserve.

The well isn’t limited, so come take a drink from this book and watch your life transform – but just be ready to put in the work!

“The Transformational Path book is one in a million! The author takes you on a fun and descriptive journey of how she manifested her dream life in France and gives valuable insights into pursuing a healthy spiritual journey. Claudia is your modern Millennial spiritual guru, gifted in passing down transcendental healing and channeled wisdom from spirit guides. I felt goosebumps and had tears as I digested many of her lessons, particularly from her channeled downloads. I’m blessed this book found me. It’s truly a gift. Those who are seeking grace, will walk away enlightened, refreshed and filled with love after reading it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Intuitive Tarot 101

How Healing, Unlearning, and Tuning into Source Helped Me Manifest My Most Abundant Life
Self-Published through The Celestial Cafe

Welcome to the first step in your intuitive transition through the Tarot, a journey that will make reading far simpler and more comfortable for you. I’m so glad to be leading you along this path! Wherever you are on your Tarot journey, this book will provide you with the lessons and clarity that will make you a better and more precise reader.

Students who read this little book will have a better understanding of how to become Intuitive Tarot Readers and can implement these skills in their readings for other people, either beginning their professional journey or for their personal journey.

In this book, readers will:

  • Understand the most popular standard for Tarot card design – the Rider Waite
  • Learn about the best decks for reading yourself and others
  • Learn the foundation of each card
  • Learn about paying closer attention to symbolism in the cards
  • Grow to trust your own intuition & building your intuitive reading

Every chapter has an activity to strengthen your skills. The book is completed with a basic guide that ties each card to its botanical association, it’s usage, and a journal prompt to encourage personal confidence as a tarot reader!

Available on Amazon – best read in Paperback and Hardcover format

“Great little booklet, way better than hundreds of pages of expensive books I’ve bought before!”

“Even though I’ve been learning tarot for a little while now, I found this booklet so helpful and informative. It covers basically everything you need to know and it’s written in a way that’s very easy to understand. Thank you Claudia!”